Monday, 29 September 2008

ink marks on a blank page-tuesday

As if there wasn't enough turmoil with the American elections and McCain v Obama with some folks saying Obama must be Muslim because of his name, others repeating the mantra that McCain is too old. Old for what? being Pres . is a hard job but the incumbent has gone along in it for about 8years and hasn't woken up yet, so what has age got to do with it.See, gone and done it again haven't I, just as you thought I would only talk about what I know I go and spoil the dream.

Getting back to the real world takes a lot out of one, a revelation next you ponder , perhaps.

I am actually not just a follower of all things American but in real life I am a closet Anglophile.

Yeah, creepy aint it.

No Hortense, that doesn't mean looking at old postcards from the souk, just means the poor fellow is a little dippy about England.Hortense, now don't be silly,it isn't the same at all, really woman you are wicked.

That I should like to live there about five months of the year is neither here nor there, and being that I am here and not there I should really explain why it is I would like to live there. Whoops !Best I stop, and just get on with showing why, for I am getting a tad confused with all the here and there, and you dear reader must be as well.

The English cities flux and change rapidly,the immense surge in migration from EU countries has seen massive change, but the English villages and countryside seem to be timeless and to me as someone travelling there on a regular basis, have a permanence which gives off a feeling of solidarity and home.

The English also do pomp and circmstance well , changing of the guard, royal weddings,divorces even and garden shows.

This year we got to see the Chelsea Flower show again, simply magic and the sort of thing the Brits do really well.

ink marks on a blank page-monday

Bit banal to start off by saying, 'where do I start'? That is the burning and leading question though and there is never really a cogent or clear direction.Start what ,how, is there an intent? does the writer want to inform / rage /vent /satirise or just let all and sundry know what his/ her opinion is on whatever the main topic of the day is. I live in Australia so I can't talk with authority on the American elections or the money crisis they have created which is having an effect world wide with any great authority.

Australia,as I have noted when I have travelled the world, does not receive much press about anything of consequence that happens here apart from when we wanted to cull some koalas that were eating themselves out of house and home on Kangaroo Island. Animals I might add that had been introduced to that place and have bred up out of control and are subsequently starving, but they are cuddly little critters aren't they, and they do feature on our national icon list.

I shall leave that as I know it is controversial, and for their first blog who wants to inflame without notice? Instead I shall post a poem I wrote, adding that most of my poetry is autobiographical.

Thanks for getting this far, robbi (29-09-08)

oh Shirley

pirouette of my childhood
redgold autumn hair glinting in dusty sun,
you laughed and teased
spun dreams with indelible lies,
and bade me love you
for I did.

warm memories of forever summers
and hidden fumbles
etched your heart on my soul,
as the days spread open
you blithely danced your schemes whilst I segued my way
through each tangled web ,
then waited in weary eagerness for
night and sleep, just another passage to the doorway
of your history becoming my dreams

we watched the autumn dragonflies as they flew joined
in loves grace together , kissing still green water
then once , you said we could do that
as all innocents have and will, we did

perhaps it was then
when the taste of your saltiness awakened lust
I knew that this was where life began
the child had left ,
we had lost the icon of youth,
summer magic became just a fleeting season
the days were simply numbered hours ,
sleep reclaimed the night
age overcame the reason