Friday 20 February 2009

ink marks on a blank page Sat Feb 21st

Much or little, if you are one of the workaholics that frequent my life, has been happening on the robbi horizon of late, and if that sounds obtuse then of course it is. To regale you good folk with the inner workings of the robbi week would not only be downright boring (to you) but counter-productive (to me). One must have a modicum of secrecy don't you know, as perhaps to the robbi, his life might be racy ,full of fun,upbeat amongst other superlatives but to the well travelled and jaded jet-set as boring and hum-drum as bat poop. I do understand that amongst my reader(s) there are any number of folk who could hold themselves up to be the glitterati. Certainly that is a hope of mine anyway,would hate to think the only folk who read this stuff were plebeian slobs like myself. A moment of high drama just passed through my day, an ant was spied crawling up the side of my LCD (recent purchase) screen thing,which was duly dispatched, the ant actually.

That little episode brings me onto the cusp of an aside,namely. Driving through the back streets of my local suburb to the shopping mall ,that when I am forced through circumstance ,I go. There, on the footpaths, was a collection of old type PC screens. We have all had them and perhaps some of us still use one, they still work and perform the same function that their design was for originally but because of the advent of the LCD type screen they have been deemed obsolete. There on the footpath I counted six screens ,two at one location and the rest singular. Please don't point out that I should be watching where I was driving and not rubbish on the footpath, did and was thanks. My point? I have no idea really, are these screens the dinosaurs of 2009, or is it how we the consumers view our place in society the reason for the throw-away mentality. This part of the robbi world I take a shortcut through is not what is commonly referred to as 'affluent' suburb, rather a little down at heel and worn out, but reasonably neat.
So there it is,my one Saturday morning trip into suburbia becomes an exercise into the mores, whys wherefores, foibles of society 2009 that hasn't even answered why or just why ever not, and surely it is only the business of the throwers of the screens, or what did you do with your old one anyway.

See Hortense, I get myself into so much angst over zip. Life is bigger than that old girl, let me just draw a deep breath to get over said rubbish then get onto something else that I know ought about. Indeed Horty old girl ,once over the barrel m'girl, one never forgets that experience. I refer of course the the machinations of government.
The story that came out yesterday in the morning Murdoch about the dad who was left with three young children(one went to school) who applied for full time benefit so he could look after his kids and was then told he should get a night shift job(he had a trade) so he then could send his one child to school and catch up on sleep when the other two napped. No mention therein about who would look after the children whilst he was away at work. That of course would strengthen his resolve and he would then become a better parent. I wasn't privy to what he told the person but imagine that it wasn't , oh thank you for that.
Like now Hortense, that smart man at Salisbury council (Adelaide)who has designed all those wetlands that trap ,clean, store naturally the storm water run-off and who can sell that water back to the factories in his area cheaper by far than the Government water supply folk, cannot get his ideas accepted by the Government. Although he says that for a quarter the cost over ten years that the Government is spending on a desal plant in one year, he can store more water and supply same to all of Adelaide. The desal plant will cost $89 millions a year to run as well Hortense, wetlands, about $500thou.Apart from the minuscule costs too,wetlands do not use any greenhouse emissions, whereas a Desal plant runs on coal produced electricity. Now old girl if I was a conspiracy theorist then there would be several arguments that could be raised here, one being that the Government would not be able to actually SELL the water to joe public like it can the DESAL water if it came from storm water run-off, which by the way is more than the entire city of Adelaide can use in a year.But then I'm not any sort of theorist at all,what do I know.

What I do know is that we are going to live theatre tonight to see the Kranski sisters et al, but before that Horty we shall wander into cocolat for gelato, does that sound a plan? you betcha it do.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

I hear there is gold in them thar used,

nope - I'm wrong, it's gold in the motherboards. Those old, old monitors can you take the guts out and make flowerpots from them? Or let the chickens lay their eggs in them? Or use them to collect your berries in?

from a friendly fellow plebian slob

Vive les wetlands!