Saturday, 8 November 2008

Ink marks on a blank page Sun Nov 9th

At it again, cannot help myself really, I mean life is just one long blog isn't it? But there are one or two burning issues that I would like to get off my chest, that is stuff that I waxed on lyrical about over the last weekend up in Sydney town. Y'see the dinner was replete with lots of lovely folk, some from far flung corners of the globe, others were local, and some like me were from what the Sydney-siders like to call the rust bucket states. Pre dinner the talk was who are you and where do you come from? After dinner there was more general conversation loosened up no doubt by the number of times the waiters refreshed the respective glasses and seeing as it was all free largess was paramount. As you know I only drink water so by the time talk was cheap I had consumed most of Sydney Harbour, or so it seemed.

When in a crowd such as this where most are extremely successful and thus by definition rich as, the greater majority are rusted on green, that is they espouse the "let's save the planet NOW " doctrine. Because y'see they can AFFORD to. Personally I have no problem with that, as I have tried to do my bit by putting photovoltaic cells on my roof ,having solar hot water and a very large (24k ltrs) water tank in my back garden.

Hortense I do though have a large problem with the well meaning folk who bang on about this without thinking very much about the real issues behind all the green and good. Call me or label me an old cynic but do they really think of the 'reality' behind just how green all this renewable stuff is. Take the cells on my roof, and apart from the massive amounts of power used to make them they are also made from Nitrogen trifluoride which is 17,000 times more lasting and as damaging than co2 to the atmosphere. This gas is also used to make the chips that power this thing (the pc) along with the lcd screens we all love to use.

The massive wind turbines which we in the state I live in have 58% of ALL the wind turbines in OZ. These things are made of STEEL which comes from blast furnaces and ALUMINIUM which uses enormous amounts of power,plus none of these wind farms will ever produce base load power at any period in history. The cost of producing this so-called GREEN power is three times that from gas fired plant, and the noise pollution from the turbines is soul destroying. Nope I didn't stop there either Hortense, I also went on about the local scientist who has become the darling of our federal government and therefore their spokesperson on climate change. He recently made series of TV programs where he and a partner went all around the pristine wilderness in a very large 4 wheel drive and made many trips in lakes / rivers etc in a two-stroke powered aluminium boat whilst at many times being photographed from above by two different helicopters. Just think on the amount of diesel/kerosene/dust damage/electrical power and a myriad of other things that went into the making of those programs. No Hortense I do not want to shut down the TV industry or stop people making nature programs, I am merely trying to point out that doing anything comes at a cost and what seems all lovely and touchy feely on the first look aint necessarily so and it is about time folk owned up and fessed up.

Hortense old girl that didn't strike me as being very much a way to save the place or protect nature at all or am I really being a nark ? And no Hortense I didn't watch the program just couldn't help seeing the promos for it as I trawled through looking for the programs I really do watch, such as world championship wrestling and the like.Yes Hortense I do know the Gelato is all natural, let's get to it then eh?

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

I just e-mailed Al Gore the link to this post, to the computer on his private jet he takes to the corner store daily. I imagine it'll also find its way to the PCs in his limousines he likes to keep idling at the curb.

Ah yes, the gelato awaits. After meatballs, of course.