Friday, 3 October 2008

ink marks on a blank page Friday October 3

Hasn't the week just sped by, talk about the week that was ,or wasn't in my case.Who knows what a week will bring, well I guess those that make a living reading the future would do. That could be a touch boring though ,I mean to know what was going to happen. if I did ,know that is, then why would I even bother to say hello when I saw you. The reponse would be the same, you'd sort of stop, look at me with a quizzical look.

"Who is this fellow, do I know him", you would be asking, to yourself of course. You would hardly ask me, well I mean you don't know me do you, yet. But then because I knew what the future(ours) is going to be I would answer you back, before you got to the question actually 'cos that is how pre-cognition works,because I have seen the future, so therefore know what you are going to say before you say it. So anyway to save you any further embarrassment I have decide to spend the next few days in bed as I did not want to confuse you by having you greet me as if you didn't know me, which of course you do, because I have seen it all unfolding with my third eye.

No Hortense i am not confused, and yes I do understand that some might think the men in white coats are coming, not true. No, you can't ask me just how I know, suffice to say that I do.
I should have used my gift to make money on the stock market by short selling? Don't be daft, that might cause a panic sell off and people would lose their shirts. But then I would be able to buy back the stocks that were sold short and make heaps when they went back up again and I could do it all on borrowed money and not use a cent of my own. How and where would I do that Hortense ?, On Wall St..Isn't that how they got in such a mess in the first place? it is isn't it. I'm not sure that doing something like that would be ethical Hortense, oh it is and all the bankers at the brokerage houses did it, well good luck to them I say but I want to sleep at night.
No Hortense I know they don't, THEY are up all night short selling the stocks to make more money.

Yes indeed Hortense I do know that I wasn't going to talk about things that I know nothing about but you will forgive me this once , pretty please?

That woman was on TV with the Biden chappie. Rivetting TV it was as well Hortense, you remember that relative of hers , the one used to be a Monty Python, Michael Palin. He had a lovely little song he sang, I think he wrote it about her, reminds me very much of her it does. Remember, " I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok, I sleep all night and chop wood all day" Goodness gracious I can see her now all done up in a red check shirt, she do look the part do she not?

I will leave you Hortense with a sweet view or three of the pizza's I made this week. Next time Hortense , I promise.

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