Saturday 18 October 2008

ink marks on a blank page sunday Oct 19th

Beautiful sort of warm cloudless spring day today but we did want to see the new Cohen Bros film, (burn after reading)what better way to spend a lazy couple of hours.The Cohen's have a unique way of filming, all their work bears very large question marks and one is left asking why this, why that.All good and they seem to work well with actors like Clooney, Malkovich et al. This was violent and seemingly there didn't seem much point to the extreme violence except in the final scene you understood why the violence was there. Robert Altman used similar techniques in that he tied in narrative and characters that at first glance seemed un-related but all made sense as a whole story and related to the main thread.

Good film is a wonderful device for painting a kaleidoscope that creates a frame so that us poor mortals can put into visuals the dreams and ideology of more talented folk. Even 'B' movies have a message, in the main good always triumphs over evil and the hero rides off into the sunset with the catch of the day.

Today being sunny and bright we did a circuit of the street market ,bought some hand made shower caps for our grand-daughters, then made our way to one of my favourite stores on Rundle St.East, Cocolat. This is a place that sells, Gelato(hand made) good espresso, snacks and the staff are pleasant .The reason it is called Cocolat. ALL the snacks and lunches have a chocolate base or theme. Nope, I don't usually snack there but the Gelati is the best I have ever tasted anywhere, and then some. They also do a large range of fat free sorbet which really are to die for.The deal is for $6-50 you get a large , and it is, tub of four flavours of gelati or sorbet and they don't use a scoop either. The stuff is ladled out with a large flat shovel so you get HEAPS, yummo!!!

Okay Hortense I know I could get fat but I did go for a 5km bike ride after dinner.Oh of course I could fit dinner in, the Gelato was lunch. Film? you mean that the Cohen's should make a film about Lehman bros and the fellow who has a name like a four letter word, oh, it is a four letter word. Just your little joke Hortense I know, but it was topical. So the team at Lehman's are all heading to a Grand Jury Horty? will it make a difference to those poor suckers that have lost a house and or their jobs? I don't think so but hey, what would I know. Best I stick with Gelati.

1 comment:

Jannie Funster said...

Fargo, No Country For Old Men, etc. Twisted but great great stuff!

Will have to see the new one, of course.