Saturday, 15 November 2008

ink marks on a blank page Sat Nov 15th

Just a moment ago I was watching TV and savouring a coffee, well drooling over a coffee to be realistic. One of the things I do well in life is make coffee, that the machine I use does it mainly is not just a moot point but perhaps THE point. This particular machine is the 3rd one I have had, the 3rd different one as I had two of the same brand, not together mind , it just so happened that the first one was a very expensive machine that just fell apart, admittedly after much use, but apart it did fall.

I went back to the store and complained bitterly about said machine, the girl took my details and then sold me a different brand whilst all the time making cooing noises about how sorry she was the first machine was such a dud so she would take it up the the German company that makes them. Naturally of course I took all this with a large grain of salt, just opened my wallet and extracted the cash for a new machine (Italian).
The new coffee maker and I were getting along really well and we had become really simpatico ,making froth that a fancy barista would be proud of, when one Tuesday morn the door bell thing went(it plays reveille). Delivery chappie says "parcel for robbi" quoth I, "yea 'tis me" The German coffee machine making people being German were so upset that I had destroyed their prize thing they had sent me at no charge, a replacement. So that is how I had two of the same brand.

Now I do love a coffee or three, so do my guests and family, for myself I do short black but everyone else seems to want latte or cappuccino, so the new machine got the same thrashing as the first one. Alas the Italian job sort of fell over after 18 months so I went back up country a bit to the German replacement. That lasted about two years until it made more wheezing noises than I do after a long day.You lovely folk might live in a country where the ability to get things fixed at reasonable cost is thick on the ground, alack and whatever not here he sighed. We seem to have a throw away mentality,oh, broken is it, just put it out for the garbage. Crikey I can't wait to get a bit old and furry around the edges, boom, one robbi on the landfill.So off to the shop again but this time I thought, no more expensive rocket science machines, go for the heaviest and cheapest, so I did. Half the money and heavy as lead to lift about but it makes the very best coffee and has lasted 3years now, and the froth,wow, one could ski on this fluff it is so thick and soft.

Yes Hortense I know that you prefer it weaker than I make,but I also note that your mug is always drained down to the last drop and you do seem to make those smacking sounds that one does when well satisfied.
Oh the landfill Hortense, what would I know about that? Well nothing of course and about on a par with what I know about folk thrashing about in large 4 wheel drive vehicles making doco's on saving the pristine wilderness and stuff. Yes Hortense I do know that the bald fellow who used to front that rock band is full on about the environment, especially now he is the Minister in charge of it in this new federal Government. Landfill is the new black Hortense, he wants to get rid of all landfill sites, and do what? Where is all the garbage going to go, oh we aren't going to have any? How is that so Hortense, oh we will all be far to poor to actually have anything, possibly, but what about the men who run the Government Hortense, they wont be poor, where will their garbage go? Yes I get it, theirs will go into landfill Hortense, but it will be environmentally secure landfill wont it, the bald headed bloke will see to that wont he Hortense.Yes I forgot Hortense he is the one with the power to issue permits for landfill sites, silly of me to forget that wasn't it.

I know, Sunday tomorrow and Gelato isn't going into landfill is it, not while I'm about Horty old girl, not indeed

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