Tuesday 18 November 2008

ink marks on a blank page Wed Nov 19th

What you say, he is blogging on a weekday. Yes, true I am, and it is possible have done so before but only when it was absolutely necessary. You would note that I have a somewhat predilection for cynicism, that is not to say I view everything in this world in shades of 'shock horror', far from it. There are though, items around which in general lend themselves to a healthy dose of tongue firmly in cheek, oh and in that I do not take myself too seriously either.Never let it be said that the robbi is without blame, for I wear blinkers on a lot of subjects and am hidebound and all the other expletives one can conjure up.

We humans tend to age, immutable fact. This process has us at some age ,feel indistructable, then we move on to learning that maybe we aren't but at least we have come to the conclusion that if we stick our hand in the fire it will burn and thus cause pain. The next progress up the path is the realisation that we know everything and those who are older( 35) are past it and have no reason to be on the planet at all, our tutors at Uni are all dills and parents are just there to pay the bills. Somehow, and despite the fact that our professors are jealous of us because we are so bright and young they almost fail us, we get our degree and go out into the real world.

We then enter into a sort of limbo where it can be said that our ideals become compromised. That is because we actually have to work for a living to pay off our student debt so therefore get caught up in the corporate world and try to scrabble up the ladder and grab the big dollars the dills who taught us said we could earn. About this time perhaps we might find a partner with whom to share a life, so a new phase begins. This is a period in our existence where staying out all night and spending as if you had no arms abruptly stops, and our being suffers a reality check.

It is in this phase that folk who wear rings in unlikely places and adorn themselves with beads are refferred to by us as dirty lay-abouts and why don't they get a job. We have left all our uni photos with our parents at this stage along with all the memorabilia from the various music festivals and failed rock bands we played with over the years. That is not to say we decry all this material ,not at all, for at Christmas and or birthdays when we take the grandkids over there we drag out all these things ad nauseum and chortle over said artefacts whilst throwing down copius quantities of dad's best wine. Herein lies the plot though, we are very careful not to let the children actually see this stuff, they have to go outside and play, properly of course, no fighting.

Yes Hortense I know that none of this is actually going to save the world or indeed show the good folk how I actually became the cynic that you say I am. Yes Hortense I know that all that I have been saying was written on the wall of the bath house in Pompey and people all through history know that their generation was perfect. You do miss the point Hortense, and the point is?
The point is old girl, what are we going to do about it and when will we ever learn that in order to grow we all have to change. My point? well I do hope Hortense that this election in the US will eventually be seen for the groundbreaking huge step forward that it is. No, I don't mean just because he is African-American, that is part of the equation, but for me the major bit therein is the fact that the majority wanted to CHANGE the way they thought about a whole range of issues including the democratic right to exercise your vote.

Which reminds me Hortense, we should toddle off to the cinema and go to that new film the nice Baz man has done, see a little of our own country and perhaps repair off afterwards do lunch and Gelato, sound a plan?

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